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Critical Theory Explained
Critical Theorist: Michael Apple
Critical Theorist: Paolo Freire
Critical Theorist: Henry Giroux
Critical Theorist: Peter McLaren
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Rage and Hope


Apple, M. W. (1995a). Cultural Capital and Official Knowledge. In M. Berube & C. Nelson (Eds.), Higher Education Under Fire (pp. 91-106). New York: Routledge.

Apple, M. W. (1995b). Education and Power. New York: Routledge.

Apple, M. W., & King, N. R.(1977). What Do Schools Teach? In A. Molnar & J. A. Zahorik (Eds.), Curriculum Theory (pp.108-126). Washington, D. C.: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Beyer, L. E., & Apple, M. W. (Eds.). (1988). The Curriculum: Problems, Politics and Possibilities. Albany: State University of New York.

Broderick, D. (1997). Theory and Its Discontents. Geelong: Deakin University Press.

Carlson, D., & Apple, M. W. (Eds.). (1998). Power/Knowledge/Pedagogy. Cresskill: Westview Press.

Fraser, J. W. (1997). Love and History in the Work of Paulo Freire. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser,
D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue
with Paulo Freire
(pp. 175-199). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Freire, P. (1998a). Pedagogy of Hope. New York: Continuum.

Freire, P. (1998b). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. (New Revised 20th-Anniversay ed.). New York: Continuum Publishing Co.

Freire,P. (1997). A Response. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 175-199). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Fuery, P., & Mansfield, N. (1997). Cultural Studies and the New Humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hoy, D. C., & McCarthy, T. (1994). Critical Theory. Cambridge: Blackwell.

Ladson-billings, G. (1997). I Know Why This Doesn't Feel Empowering: A Critical Race
Analysis of Critical Pedagogy. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 127-141). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Macedo, D. (1997). An Anti-Method Pedagogy: A Freirian Perspective. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 1-9). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

McCarthy, T. (1991). Ideals and Illusions: On Reconstruction and Deconstruction in Contemporary Critical Theory. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

McLaren, P. (1999). An Interview with Peter McLaren and Several Reviews of his "Revolutionary Multiculturalism. Multicultural Education  Vol.6(4), 32-34.

McLaren, P. (1998). Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education. Longman.

McLaren, P. & Torres, R. (1999). Racism and Multicultural Education: Rethinking 'Race' and 'Whiteness' in Late Capitalism. Critical Multiculturalism: Rethinking Multicultural and Antiracist Education. Stephen May (ed.), Falmer Press.

McLaren, P. (1993). Schooling as a Ritual Performance. Routledge.

Murrell, P. C. (1997). Digging Again the Family Wells: A Freirian Literacy Framework as Emancipatory Pedagogy for African American Children. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 19-58). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Reed, D. (1999). Three Realms of Corporate Responsibility: Distinguishing Legitimacy, Morality and Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 21, 23-35.

Scapp, R. (1997). The Subject of Education: Paulo Freire, Postmoderism, and Multiculturalism. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 283-291). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Sieber, T. (1997). Pedagogy, Power, and the City: Paulo Freire as Urban School Superintendent. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 273-282). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Stefanos, A. (1997). African Women and Revolutionary Change: African American and Feminist Perspective. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 243-271). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Stokes, W. T. (1997). Progressive Teacher Education: Consciousness, Identity, and Knowledge. In P. Freire, J. W. Fraser, D. Macedo, T. McKinnon, & W. T. Stokes (Eds.), Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire (pp. 201-227). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Torres, C. A. (1998). Education, Power , and Personal Biography: Dialogues with Critical Educators. New York: Routledge.


      Reproduction, Contestation & Curriculum Power/Knowledge/Pedagogy    
Updated: 11/26/99
Laurie Williams