Dialogical Action
Banking education, which emphasizes the teacher's
role as the active one in the teacher-learner relationship is
an anti-dialogical approach. It serves the oppressor by denying
the learner an active role in the learning.
Paulo Freire felt that for the learner to move
from object to Subject, he or she needed to be involved
in dialogical action with the teacher. Dialogic action
has two basic dimensions, reflection and action.
Action + Reflection = word = work = praxis
Action without Reflection = activism (acting without
Reflection with Action = verbalism = "blah"
(Freire, 1998b, p.68)
Verbalism is an empty word, word without action,
and transformation cannot happen with action. Transformation is
also impossible with activism, because without reflection, there
can be no commitment to transformation, it is empty action. With
action and reflection you get praxis, which enables
transformation to take place.
Dialogue cannot exist without humility. You cannot
dialogue if you place yourself above another, seeing yourself
as the owner of truth.
Dialogue requires faith in humanity. "Faith
is an a priori requirement for dialogue. Founding
itself upon love, humility and faith, dialogue becomes a horizontal
relationship of which mutual trust between the dialoguers is the
logical consequence"(p.71).
Dialogue requires hope in order to exist. "Hopelessness
is a form of silence, of denying the world and fleeing from it"(p.72).
"Dialogue cannot exist unless the dialoguers
engage in critical thinking"(p.73).
"Without dialogue there is no communication,and
without communication, there can be no true education"(p.73).
"For the anti-dialogical banking educator,
the question of content simply concerns the program about which
he will discourse to his students; and he answers his own questions,
by organizing his own program. For the dialogical, problem-posing
teacher-student, the program content of education is neither a
gift nor an imposition--bits of information to be deposited in
the students--but rather the organized, systematized, and developed
're-presentation' to the individuals of the things about which
they want to know more"(p.74).
Dialogue is a give and take of ideas, a sharing.
You cannot dialogue and attempt to impose your own ideas on another.
You can dialogue about their ideas and yours.
Through cooperation, dialogic Subjects are able
to "focus their attention on the reality which mediates them
and which--posed as a problem--challenges them. The response to
that challenge is the action of dialogical Subjects upon reality
in order to transform it"(p.149).