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Critical Theory Explained
Critical Theorist: Michael Apple
Critical Theorist: Paolo Freire
Critical Theorist: Henry Giroux
Critical Theorist: Peter McLaren
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Rage and Hope
Peter McLaren

Multiculturalism as
Revolutionary Praxis

Q: Where do you locate your works within multicultural education? (Gustavo)

A: I have leaned a lot form Jim Cummings, Enrique Trueba, James Banks, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Sonny San Juan, Emily Hicks, Carl Grant, Sonia Nieto, Rudolfo Chavez, Herman Gracia, Rudy Torres, David Theo Goldberg, Warren Crinchlow, Cornel West, Bell Hooks, Cameron McCarthy, Christine Sleeter, Antonia Darder, Joyce King, Donaldo Macedo, Joe Kincheloe, Henry Giroux, and so on.

Q: How do you come to terms with your own whiteness?

A: My whiteness [and my maleness] is something I cannot escape no matter how hard I try. Š [I come to terms with my whiteness] in living my own life as a traitor to whiteness, I cannot become lazyŠ if all whites are racists at some level, then we must struggle to become anti-racist racists.

- Critical educators must always ask themselves tough questions: What is the hidden history of otherness contained within our narratives of liberation? Whom do they exclude, marginalize, repress? How can we regather what has been lost and fill the empty space of despair with revolutionary hope? Hope stipulates an Other who stands before us.

Critical Theorists: Peter McLaren McLaren's Background Information Life in School School as a Ritual Performance Multiculturalism Other Sites Online  
Updated: 11/26/99
Laurie Williams